About Wendy

Hey I am Wendy a former Midwife, Hypnobirthing Instructor, Doula and Business Woman. I am also co founder of The Little Birth Company. I am Mum to Charlie & Alfie and married to Paul. Born and bred in Manchester I’ve been living down South since I qualified as a Midwife in 1997.

I love animals, we have two cats and a dog who are all very much part of our family. I love to garden, watching things grow and knowing you helped and nurtured is the best feeling. We love going to our caravan in Devon, days on the beach and exploring.

I started off my career in the birth world by following my childhood dream and training as a Midwife back in the 90s. Witnessing an incredible couple birth their son using Hypnobirthing in 2010 was just the beginning of the journey to change my life and my direction.

I longed to be my own boss, set my own working hours and days, and have the flexibility to adapt them at a moment's notice and ultimately to be present for our boys and family.

It wasn’t a surprise that shortly after this experience I trained as a Hypnobirthing Instructor. I have been supporting couples with Hypnobirthing now for almost 11 years, alongside training and working as a Doula and Birth Trauma Specialist.

12 years of running my own business has afforded me so many skills and so much knowledge of what it takes.

I’m a dreamer BUT most importantly I take the actions consistently.

Dreams don’t work if you don’t!

For the 1st eight years of my business I worked it around our two young boys and my day job in the NHS working 30hrs a week. It was a juggle but it was non negotiable. I knew I didn’t want to stay in my day job. I craved the flexibility, to be my own boss, to have the creative license to build something I was passionate about. Most importantly, I wanted to create a life where I could be present for our boys, I wanted to be there! Drop offs, pick ups and school plays were always so stressful, I didn’t want to seek permission from my boss to be there for by family!

So I put the hours in CONSISTENTLY. No one was going to do this for me, why would they! It was down to me, I never expected it to be as easy as the click of a button or the odd post on social media.

I have taught over 500 couple’s Hypnobirthing during this time and have established myself in the area as a respected birth worker.

In 2018 I took the jump and left employment in the NHS after 25years! That was scary, but it was more scary to stay! It was quite a year. I had a hip replacement, opened a pregnancy and parenting venue in the area I live and co created The Little Birth Company with my wonderful friend and business partner Melissa Maloney.

Almost 3 1/2yrs later and The Little Birth Company is now one of the leading providers of Hypnobirthing education for parents and Hypnobirthing Instructor Training GLOBALLY!

We have created an incredible team and continue to work to build a community that supports all birthing people and one that offers incredible support to its family of instructors.

11 years of running my own business has afforded me so many skills and so much knowledge of what it takes.

During this incredible journey I have continued to grow my own business.

.Over the years I have rebranded, trained some more, changed my mind, made mistakes, learnt from them, simplified things, overly complicated them, rebranded again and loved every minute of it. I have learnt so much.

Most of all I have followed my dreams and my instincts, I have worked hard, but its been a joy. It’s who I am and its what I do.

I watch and observe so many others in the birth, baby and womens wellbeing business world, feeling stuck, uninspired, overwhelmed and unsupported. So much energy and time spent ‘watching’ fellow business owners building their businesses, with the resulting effect being nothing more than a heavy dose of comparisonitis and lack of belief in themselves! Often there is the expectation that simply training in something means a business will just naturally evolve. Unprepared for the array of skills required to grow a successful and sustainable business.

Over the years on my own journey it would have been amazing to have someone, who was there, who had walked the path. Full of insight and experience. Someone who could be a sounding board, suggest solutions and offer some accountability.

Imagine how that would feel. Sounds good doesn’t it!

I have always followed what feels right. Reaching out and supporting others on their own business journey is now part of my journey. I can’t wait to connect with you and see how I can support you in your journey.

So lets have a chat and see how you can work with me to make your own dreams a reality.

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